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  Contact : +86 13826232173 or +1 416 900 0255

Before Treatment–Denmark : Ms. Wang, 85, difficulty while walking


My name is Feng Xian Wang, 85 years old. I have been living in Copenhagen for 24 years.
Both my knees have arthritis for many years. This is a very painful chronic disease. Furthermore, both my legs have no power and were incredible difficulty when walking. My back also got hurt and it is difficult to get straight. It is pain all the time. I can’t walk without a crutch.

Mit navn er FengXian Wang. Jeg er 85 ?r og har boet i K?benhavn i 24 ?r.
Jeg har haft slidegigt i begge mine kn? i mange ?r, hvilket g?r meget ondt. Desuden f?ler jeg, at jeg har ingen kr?fter i benene og utroligt sv?rt ved at g?.
Ydermere har jeg ogs? ondt i min ryg og sv?rt ved at st? ret. Jeg har ogs? ofte smerter. Jeg kan ikke undv?re stok.

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Koo Kien Keat and Ong Soon Hock—ankle injury and groin injury

Koo pic与王顺福照片

These two young men achieved multiple international championships. In 2002 the Malaysian national badminton team coach, Yap Kim Hock, brought the two 17 year olds to come to acupuncturist Jim Liu for help regarding their injuries. They had both sustained injuries during training and had seen countless doctors with no success.

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Interview of Joane in Feb. of 2010— released from long-time Asthma

I’ve had asthma since I was a teenager and it only worsened since. I take medication for it daily and rely on an inhaler. I carry my inhaler everywhere even though every time I use it, it leaves me trembling. Every month or so I would have a very serious asthma attack that requires me to seek medical attention where I would inhale

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Interview of Miss. Wong—-serious lumbar pain, disc herniation


I had two checkups involving an Xray as well as an MRI. My X-ray showed that my bones were sticking together thus causing me severe pain. Later I had an MRI taken and the doctor told me that my lumbar 4 and lumbar 5 vertebra are obviously black, void of all function, and need to be operated on immediately. I was terrified so I

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Interview of Soon Chiang Ong (famous badminton player in Malaysia)—arm and knee injury, bone fragments in the foot, weakness heart and difficulty breathing

Soon Chiang Ong was once a part of the Malaysian national badminton team. He won the World Police/Firefighters Games in badminton and eventually retired as an athlete and began coaching the National South Korean Badminton team. I was 17 years old when I first sought out Dr. Liu’s help, I wasn’t yet able to

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ManLi Wang (speed skating champion)—knee problem


Manli Wang:
Wang Manli is a Chinese athlete who has won many world championships in speed skating. Her knee had developed an abnormal swelling and pain so she could not put any force on it. Many doctors treated her for it but their efforts were futile. It made her desperate. By the end of September in 2007, she went to see Jim Liu who was recommended by one of her friends. After only receiving two treatments, she returned to train on ice immediately. Both she and her coach-Tianen Xie who had accompanied her for more than 20 years were astonished at the quick and positive impact of the effects of the treatment. They were very grateful to Jim Liu.

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