From pain to freedom with acupuncture
I would like to tell you my story because it is very important for other people with similar problems to know. Here is my email for anyone who hopes to contact with me for the treatment experience:
I got two herniated discs in the lower back. I was hospitalized with excruciating pain, unable to walk, stand or sit. Moreover, it was very hard for me to urinate. Drop by drop, sounds there was endless. The spinal nerves were compromised and it took me around 45 minutes of exhausting efforts to urinate and still I was unable to empty my bladder.
In the hospital they did an MRI scan and many doctors consulted me. They tried everything they could. I got several kinds of medicine. Medicine to keep my stomach working, medicine to relax my muscles and above all I got morphine pills regularly during the day to keep the pain at an acceptable level. On top of that very powerful morphine pills for the acute pain.
A physiotherapist worked with me and slowly I was able to get out of bed on my own and eventually walk with crutches.
After several days, I was sent home with two crutches, a device for grabbing things from the floor, a long handled shoehorn and a prescription for a ton of pain medication.
Actually, I could not walk with the crutches more than a few steps. When I went out from the hospital, a friend helped me and brought me to her home where I stayed a while.
Six weeks after discharge from the hospital I stopped taking the morphine because I was feeling very bad in the stomach, confused in my head and all I did was sleep. When I stopped taking morphine, I was vomiting for two days.
I tried chiropractic treatments but it only helped in the beginning.
For several months, I went weekly to physiotherapy and rehabilitation training.
It helped somewhat but after a while the pain was just part of my everyday life. For five months, I could not sit or stand for long. I could not ride my bicycle; I used crutches every time I went outside. Inside the flat, I used the walls and furniture for support.
Then I met acupuncturist Jim Liu. This was my status in the first time of meeting him.
……Will be continued soon….