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Interview of a patient—-Epilepsy

This is the testimony of the patient’s mother. This year, the patient is 38 years old living in Shen Yang, China. At 8 years old the patient fell ill for the first time and through numerous ECG and EEG screenings was diagnosed with epilepsy. The patient saw many Chinese medical doctors as well as western medical doctors and found no cure and was steadily getting worse. Afterwards, upon seeing in a newspaper that in Tian Jing there is a hospital with a cure, I took her there. The situation still did not improve. Later we saw in the newspaper that there was a hospital in Chan Chun that could cure epilepsy, again I took her and again there was no improvement. This is how we spent 28 years. She was constantly taking her medication but her episodes became more and more frequent with increasing severity. From a few months between episodes to several times a week to eventually 5 times per day. 3-4 seizures happen when she’s awake and she’ll have one in the middle of the night. I felt like there was no hope to save my child. There was a time when she felt that life was too painful and there was no point to her life anymore. She quietly climbed up to the top floor of our building and prepared to jump. Luckily our neighbor discovered her and coaxed her back. I always sleep next to her. When she has an episode at night she shakes the entire bed and even neighbors a few units over can feel the vibrations. For 28 years she’s basically at home by herself during the days and when she has an episode she’ll even overturn the toilet lid as she has absolutely no control over her body.

She had her first treatment in the afternoon by Dr. Liu on July 31, 2015. She had one small attack on August 2nd at 3 pm. She did not collapse unlike her previous attacks. This was her last episode ever. After her treatment I took her everywhere I went starting on the 2nd day. For the first few days even if it was raining out I would still take her outside because this is something we haven’t been able to do for 28 years. For 28 years I could not take her anywhere because I was afraid she may fall down at any moment and have a seizure. These days she’s really doing well. Hasn’t had a single seizure. I truly believe in Dr. Liu, it only took him once to fix my daughter. He has worked a miracle. It is unbelievable! I’m forever grateful.
The patient feels much happier and can now leave the house. She’s very appreciative and expresses her gratitude for Dr. Liu.