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  Contact : +86 13826232173 or +1 416 900 0255

No pain and numbness from lower back to toes anymore

Liu, Daqing, 51 years old, one of the main players of the China Men’s National Basketball Team. His team reached the quarterfinals in the 1994 Basketball World Championships.

Unfortunately, he had to draw a regretful end to his bright career due to the severe low back pain. He could not bend a little and could not hold a basketball when the pain was there. He had tried countless treatments during almost 28 years before he went to see Dr Zhiye Liu.

After receiving Dr Zhiye Liu’s three treatments, his health condition were totally changed. After a few months, he sent us a video talking about his changes and expressing his grateful to Dr Zhiye Liu again.

Liu Daqing and his son taking the picture with Dr Zhiye Liu after receiving his treatments